Cedar Rapids Police have arrested a 25-year-old man who allegedly was driving a stolen truck when he struck a minivan on November 9th and left the scene. Their investigation also tied him to three burglaries committed prior to the incident.
Reports indicate that Cardel Redmond was driving a stolen truck near the intersection of 33rd Avenue Southwest and 18th Street Southwest when he struck a minivan driven by a 34-year-old woman. The pickup was reportedly stolen from the Cancun Mexican Grill and Bar on 33rd Avenue Southwest sometime between 1 and 3 am that morning. Investigators say Redmond broke into the restaurant, damaged the cash register, jukebox and other equipment, and took the truck keys from the bar area.
Later that morning, Redmond is accused of breaking into two AT&T stores. At 5am, he reportedly hit the store on Blairs Ferry Road in Hiawatha, and the one on 1st Avenue Southeast around 6am. The hit-and run accident occurred later that morning, and the woman victim suffered serious injuries.
Redmond was arrested in southwest Cedar Rapids Sunday night. He’s been charged with 1st Degree Theft, 3rd Degree Burglary and 3rd degree Criminal mischief for stealing the truck and breaking into the restaurant; two counts of 3rd degree Burglary for breaking into the AT&T stores; and Hit-and-Run, Driving while Suspended, and Driving Left of Center for the accident.
If convicted on all the charges, Redmond could be sentenced to over thirty years in prison.