UI says students can lose housing contracts, face suspension for off-campus behavior going against social distancing guidelines


The University of Iowa has sent an email to students reminding them that they can lose their housing contracts and face a suspension if they fail to follow social distancing guidelines…even off-campus.

In a message posted on the UI Student Life web site, Angela Ibrahim-Olin, Assistant Dean and Director of Student Accountability, says “individuals found to be engaging in behavior that the university has deemed unsafe, such as gatherings exceeding capacities where individuals are unable to maintain 6 feet of physical distance, gatherings where individuals are not wearing face coverings, and other factors that jeopardize individuals’ health and safety, may result in discipline.”

The social distancing guidelines were called into question over the weekend after photos began circulating of packed downtown bars with students not wearing masks. Iowa City Police also received multiple reports of house parties with no social distancing.

Last month Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague signed a proclamation that requires masks be worn in public.

Ibrahim-Olin encourages all community members who observe concerns to report the concern to the Office of Student Accountability using the webform linked here.

According to The Daily Iowan, Director of Media Relations Anne Bassett says the UI is reviewing 24 alleged violations of the social distancing guidelines, although no suspensions have been handed out so far.