IC man who reportedly drank bottle of alcohol over the course of a night facing domestic charges


An Iowa City man who reportedly drank a bottle of alcohol over the course of an evening is facing charges stemming from a domestic dispute.

According to police, 34 year-old Brandon Mitchell of Miller Avenue and the victim were in an upstairs bedroom just after 3am Friday when a verbal argument began over the woman cheating on Mitchell. The woman reportedly left the room to sleep in a downstairs bedroom, but Mitchell is accused of following the woman to continue the argument.

The woman states that Mitchell grabbed her phone, threw it against a wall and broke it. The argument then allegedly led into the kitchen of the residence, where the woman pushed Mitchell out of the way to grab his phone and call 911. He is accused of then grabbing her right arm and pushing her back, leaving her with a small red mark in her right arm’s elbow crease.

The woman’s 13 and 20-year-old children were on scene and attempted to separate the two. A nine-year-old child was also in the residence, although reportedly in another room at the time.

Upon contact, Mitchell is said to have presented with glossy, watery eyes and the odor of ingested alcohol. The woman involved in the incident confirmed that Mitchell had consumed a bottle of alcohol through the course of the evening.

Mitchell was taken into custody and charged with Domestic Abuse Assault first offense, and Child Endangerment. If convicted on both counts, he could be sentenced to up to over two years in prison. A no-contact order was requested between the two parties.