Incorrect plates on vehicle leads to IC woman’s arrest on drug charges


Incorrect plates on a vehicle an Iowa City woman was driving has led to her arrest on drug charges.

According to police, 22-year-old Orlanda Littlelight of Erobi Lane was pulled over Thursday at 4:42am due to the plates not matching her vehicle. A check of her license showed it was revoked less than three weeks ago, and she was arrested.

Littlelight allegedly wanted her purse to go to jail with her, and a pre-jail search reportedly discovered a small electronic scale with a white substance on it, multiple small baggies that are commonly used to package drugs, and a half-pill of Xanax.

Littlelight allegedly told authorities that she takes the narcotic to help calm her down and admitted that she doesn’t have a prescription for it.

Littlelight was charged with driving while revoked, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. If convicted on the charges, she could be sentenced to over two years in prison.