IC City Council defers vote on height bonuses for Court Street development


The Iowa City City Council has deferred a vote approving height bonuses for the proposed redevelopment of the Pentacrest Garden Apartments.

The rezoning of the area automatically allows up to eight stories, with additional stories added as “height bonuses,” provided the project “provides public benefit,” according to the City.

Tuesday night, the Council unanimously passed a motion to defer the resolution to their February 18th meeting. Councilor Susan Mims tells KCJJ that there were a lot of details that members wanted more time to review, especially among the two newly-elected councilors.

There was also a desire to give more time for public input ahead of the vote, which is now scheduled for the February 18th meeting.

The city and the developer, the Clark family, have been hammering out proposals and making changes to design, conformity to the city’s Master Plan, Capitol Street right-of-way issues, and other details since the development was proposed about two years ago.