Coralville Police officer injured in reported “donnybrook” at public library


A Coralville Police officer was injured in what the department is describing as a “donnybrook” at the city’s public library.

According to arrest records, the Coralville library was closing at about 4:00 Saturday afternoon when one patron, identified as 43-year-old Brian Luedtka, refused the leave the 5th Street facility. Luedtka, who has no known address, allegedly gave arriving officers a fake name several times before he took off running through the library. During what Coralville Police describe as the ensuing “donnybrook”, one officer suffered a scrape to his knee. Luedtka was eventually captured and charged with Interference With Official Acts Causing Bodily Injury. If convicted, he faces a maximum of one year in jail.

A warrant was issued for Luedtka’s arrest on March 10th after he failed to make a court appearance relating to felony drug charges.  He also has a history of methamphetamine and theft charges.