Iowa City aerial deer survey using drones to take place Feb. 18-21


City of Iowa City news release

Aerial deer survey to take place Feb. 18-21

Deer Map

White Buffalo, Inc. will conduct an aerial deer population survey beginning Tuesday, Feb. 18. The survey is expected to conclude on Friday, Feb. 21. Weather permitting, the count will take place from dusk to dawn each day.

White Buffalo, Inc. will use drones to conduct the count within the area depicted on the provided map. The area being surveyed includes northern Iowa City between Interstate 80 to the north, Scott Boulevard and the former ACT property to the east, Rochester Avenue to the south, and City Park and the Peninsula, Normandy, and Manville Heights neighborhoods to the west.

. The process will give the City an accurate count of the local deer population as it continues its management efforts.

The City conducts aerial deer counts each year. To learn more about the City’s deer population and Deer Management Program, visit