Johnson County Conservation news release
Spice up your wardrobe while reducing your environmental impact at a new Community Clothing Swap at Johnson County’s Kent Park.
Johnson County Conservation will host the first Community Clothing Swap from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 25 at Kent Park’s Conservation Education Center! Today’s fast fashion puts a huge strain on our planet’s resources, releases pollutants into the environment, and encourages unsafe labor practices. Clothing swaps are an economical way to update your wardrobe without buying new. Clothes that are swapped on site will be weighed as they leave the building to help understand how much waste is diverted from the landfill through this effort.
Participants may donate clothes ahead of the event that they no longer want (but are still in good shape) and take home new-to-you items from the swap. There is no registration required or fee to enter for this event.
Donations will be accepted for drop off beginning on Friday, January 17. Check the event webpage for more details on how to attend, where to take donations, and other ways for how to get involved.
More information at: johnsoncountyiowa.gov/conservation/events. Questions can be directed to Michelle Wiegand, Naturalist, at MWiegand@JohnsonCountyConservation.org or 319-645-2315.