Coralville to be part of nationwide People’s March this Saturday


Coralville will be joining a nationwide “People’s March” Saturday.

The nationwide release says the gathering is intended to, quote, “show the strength of a feminist-led progressive movement, its communities and networks – and to stand up for reproductive freedoms, families, and our future – just days before the inauguration of Donald Trump.”

Other groups have joined as “March Partners,” including coalitions of the Women’s March, Movement for Black Lives Action, and others.

The local release on the Corridor Community Action Network Facebook page says the event will begin at 9:30am starting at the Coralville Library.  It says, “If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that healthcare is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then this march is for you.”

Several dozen people have already RSVP’d for the event.  A link to the main Facebook page is included below.

Other marches in Iowa will be held in Dubuque and Burlington. Further details are available on the national website,