An area woman faces theft charges after she allegedly took possession of a jointly purchased vehicle after breaking up with the other party.
Police say on February 11th of last year, 48-year-old Robin McAllister and the man, who she was living with at the time, purchased a vehicle together valued at over $43,000. The loan was in both names, as was the title.
The relationship came to an end when McAllister moved out of the residence less than three weeks later, taking the co-owned vehicle with her. It was agreed that she would refinance, insure and register the vehicle in her name only, to free any liability from her ex-boyfriend. She allegedly refused to hold up her end of the agreement, and stopped making payments on the vehicle in August.
The man took over the payments until December to keep the vehicle from being repossessed and ruining his credit, all the while demanding McAllister either sell or return the vehicle to him. He then paid the vehicle off on December 10th and titled the vehicle in his own name on December 28th. McAllister was asked to return the vehicle within 24 hours, but again refused.
North Liberty police contacted McAllister and advised her to return the vehicle or face charges, and she told them she would not return the vehicle.
McAllister now faces one count of First degree Theft, and could be sentenced to up to ten years in prison if convicted.