Coralville man charged with OWI after accident


A Coralville man was charged with his second OWI after allegedly causing an accident Friday night.

Police say the incident occurred near the intersection of Corridor Way and Coral Street at approximately 11:09pm.  35-year-old Junior Ciabulanda of 5th Street was traveling westbound when he reportedly swerved and caused a collision with another vehicle.  The driver of the other vehicle was injured in the accident.

While Ciabulanda was speaking with an officer, he was allegedly observed with bloodshot watery eyes and impaired balance. He reportedly admitted to drinking a little alcohol previous to the accident.  Field sobriety tests showed several signs of impairment, and Ciabulanda agreed to a preliminary breath test that showed his breath-alcohol level over the legal limit.  He refused a subsequent Datamaster test and a urine sample.

Ciabulanda was previously convicted of OWI in Johnson County back in 2021. He has been charged with his second offense, an aggravated misdemeanor that comes with a jail sentence of up to two years if convicted.