City of North Liberty news release
Avian Flu: What to Do or Look For
Posted on: December 20, 2024
Here is what you need to look out for:
- Waterfowl and other migrating birds, such as ducks and geese, acting strange
- Classic signs are birds constantly twisting of their heads or necks and swimming in tight circles
- Twitches or tremors
- Newer symptoms include flocking birds that are quiet and alone, and do not or cannot fly away when approached
- Birds of prey and scavenging mammals, such as eagles and foxes, with possible neurological issues
- Twitches or tremors
- Walking or flying in tight circles
The virus has been known to stay active in deceased birds for up to several weeks, depending on environmental conditions. If a resident sees a wild animal or pet with any of these symptoms or just acting abnormally, they are encouraged to:
- Avoid touching or approaching the wild animal
- Keep pets and children away
- Call the non-emergency dispatch number to let Animal Control know: (319) 356-6800
- Quarantine and contact your physician immediately if you or a loved one come into close contact with an animal that you suspect may have avian influenza