A Muscatine woman who faces 67 charges of animal neglect after a July arrest was taken into custody after a search warrant discovered she was hoarding animals at a new residence.
The Muscatine Journal reports the Sheriff’s Office learned that 44-year-old Kelly Adams had moved to a new residence and new animals had been acquired or were living at the residence. Her new residence had not been reported to the court as required, nor that she was caring for animals there.
A search warrant was executed Friday on her mobile home and reportedly found 3 dogs, 3 cats, six rats, a bird, 5 geckos, 3 snakes and 2 bearded dragons. Four of the animals were deceased.
The number of animals was in direct contradiction to a pretrial release order, that stated Adams was prevented from acquiring, owning, caring for or residing with any animals. She was arrested for violation of her pretrial release. The Muscatine County Attorney’s Office is asking that the pretrial release be revoked, and alleges that Adams poses a danger to the community’s animals.
Back in June, the sheriff’s office executed a search warrant on Adams’ property and recovered 67 animals, four of which were deceased. A pre-trial conference was set for February 11th.
Further charges and arrests are possible as the investigation is ongoing.