Chicago man allegedly swallows bag of marijuana during OWI arrest


A Chicago man being arrested for OWI Friday night allegedly swallowed a dime bag of marijuana after it fell from his person.

36-year-old Herschel Walker was stopped near the intersection of 1st Avenue and 7th Street just before midnight for speeding.  Upon contact, officers say he had extremely bloodshot and watery eyes, slow speech, and an odor of ingested alcohol. An odor of raw marijuana was allegedly also observed coming from the vehicle.

After performing some field sobriety tests, Walker claimed he couldn’t complete the others due to medical issues. He consented to a PBT but was unable to provide a proper sample after several attempts. Walker then refused to provide a blood or urine sample. He reportedly stated he had recently smoked marijuana and had one drink prior to driving.

During his arrest, a small dime bag of marijuana fell from his person. Officers told him to leave the bag on the ground, but Walker allegedly disobeyed, picked it up and swallowed the bag.

He was charged with his first OWI and Interference with Official Acts, and faces a possible jail sentence of up to 13 months if convicted.