Iowa City man charged with assault after allegedly hitting man with club


An Iowa City man was arrested Saturday after allegedly assaulting a roommate.

Officers went to the Woodside Drive residence of 53-year-old Alexander Sanders just before 2pm on reports of an assault called in by the victim’s brother.  The man had been living with Sanders and his girlfriends for about 5 months.  Sanders got mad at the man and reportedly came out of the bedroom with a wooden club.  He then hit the man on the side of the face with the club.  The victim was able to partially block the assault with the back of his arm.

Sanders then went to hit him again and struck his hand.  The man took the club away from Sanders and hit him in the knee to keep him away.

Police noted the victim had a cut on his cheek and bruising on his arm as a result of the alleged assault.

Sanders was charged with Assault causing Bodily Injury, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail term of up to one year if convicted.