City of Iowa City news release
The Iowa City Housing Authority (ICHA) will no longer be accepting applications for the Public Housing Program and will close its wait list at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, until further notice. The current wait time for a Public Housing unit to become available is more than three years. Due to this significant wait, the Department of Housing and Urban Development recommends closing the wait list. Once the list is ready to be reopened, a public announcement will be shared.
During this closure, staff will remain focused on efficient and supportive delivery of services to current Public Housing tenants and those on the existing waitlist. ICHA will continue to partner with Johnson County Coordinated Entry and other existing partners that provide affordable housing opportunities in our community.
Please contact ICHA at 319-356-5400 or icha@iowa-city.org with any questions.
If you are experiencing homelessness, call Shelter House at 319-351-0326 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Shelter House operates a 70-bed shelter that serves Johnson and Washington counties.
If you are at risk of homelessness, visit https://www.iowahousinghelp.com/ to connect with resources available through Coordinated Entry.