City of Iowa City news release
Applications open for bow hunters, property owners for Iowa City’s Deer Management Program |
Bow hunters who are interested in participating in the City’s 2024-2025 deer bow hunt program can apply through Nov. 1, 2024. Hunt rules and application forms are available on the City website at www.icgov.org/Deer or at the Iowa City Police Department, 410 E. Washington Street.
The 2024-2025 deer bow hunt program season will be held September 21, 2024, through January 10, 2025. The bow hunt is part of the City’s Long-Term Deer Management Plan, which includes a mix of non-lethal interventions, annual urban bow hunts from 2024 through 2029, and the possibility of a professional sharpshoot subject to State approval in 2026. Hunting is allowed on private property when conducted by the property owner or hunters with permission from the owner. Private property owners who wish to provide land for hunters to bow hunt with their approval should review the rules to ensure they qualify and submit a Private Property Hunting Permission Form. In addition, the City-owned properties located at 1150 Covered Wagon Drive, 2510 N Dodge Street, 2099 Bristol Drive, 101 McCollister Boulevard, and the Sycamore Greenway south of Lehman Avenue are also approved for use in the bow hunt this year. For a map of eligible public properties, visit www.icgov.org/Deer. For questions or for assistance with matching eligible hunters and properties, you may contact the City’s Hunt Coordinator Lt. Zach Diersen at 319-356-5276 or diersen@iowa-city.org. For rules, application forms, and information about the urban bow hunt and deer management efforts, please visit www.icgov.org/Deer. |