Iowa City man facing multiple charges after alleged domestic assault


An Iowa City man faces multiple charges after allegedly assaulting a woman with whom he has a no-contact order.

Just before 3am Friday, 24-year-old Dondre Lee of Clapp Street was with the mother of his two children when he was allegedly observed pushing her down a flight of stairs and pushed her into their vehicle.

Police caught up with Lee on the 1400 block of Glendale Street. He was sitting in the vehicle with the key in the ignition, and had the odor of ingested alcohol.  Police also say he had bloodshot watery eyes and showed signs of impaired decision making.  Lee refused field sobriety tests, a PBT and Datamaster testing. He also refused officer commands to exit the vehicle multiple times.

A check of Lee’s criminal record showed a previous OWI and a revoked license through the end of the year.  He also had a previous conviction for domestic abuse assault.

Lee was charged with 2nd offense Domestic Assault, Violation of No-Contact Order, Assault committed by a Person with a No-Contact Order, Interference with Official Acts, 2nd offense OWI, and Driving while Revoked. If convicted on all counts, he could be sentenced to over 9 years in prison.