Reactions from Iowa politicians on Biden dropping out of race


Reactions around Iowa were swift after it was announced that President Joe Biden was dropping out of the presidential race.

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart said, “While I am personally sad that President Biden has decided he is unable to continue the work he has started by running for a second term, I recognize that this action means Joe is telling us that it’s up to us to finish the job.”

Hart went on to say that Biden has been doing a tremendous job running the country during his first term, but running for another four years is “another question.”

State Senate Minority Leader Pam Jochum praised Biden’s service to the country and urged fellow Democrats to unite to defeat Donald Trump in November.

Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand, the lone Democrat to hold statewide office in Iowa, called Biden’s announcement “a shining example of public service over self and a bright opportunity for America to turn the page to the future” in a statement to The Gazette.

Iowa Republicans called on Biden to resign immediately.

Governor Kim Reynolds posted on X: “…if Joe Biden can’t run for reelection, it’s clear he isn’t capable of running the country.”

Representative Ashley Hinson accused the Biden administration of hiding the president’s decline and gaslighting Americans and said, “If Biden is unfit to run, he’s unfit to serve as President. He should resign. I am confident President Trump will beat Kamala Harris or any other left wing radical they run against him.”

US Senator Chuck Grassley also posted on social media, saying that people are sick and tired of Biden’s policies, adding “Changing horses midstream isn’t going to stop the bad policies +reckless agenda at the top of the Democrat ticket.”