Homeless man charged after neglect reportedly caused death of two dogs


A homeless man was arrested after it was determined his neglect caused the death of two dogs last week.

The incident occurred on July 3rd at the Coralville Reservoir. According to the criminal complaint, 46-year-old Thomas Pagels left his two dogs in a 2 foot by 3 foot cage from approximately 7am until 5pm. The cage was covered by a grill tarp that allowed no air to circulate.  The cage was entirely too small for the 50- and 75-pound dogs, and the temperatures on that day hit 85 degrees with high humidity.

The two dogs expired due to the heat.

A warrant was issued for Pagels’ arrest; he was taken to the Johnson County Jail Monday and charged with two counts of Animal Neglect causing Serious Injury or Death, both aggravated misdemeanors. If convicted on both counts, Pagels could be sentenced to up to four years in jail.