Iowa City Police Department conducts tobacco compliance rechecks

Edited release

Iowa City Police did a recheck of businesses licensed to sell tobacco and related products that earlier failed to deny sales to undercover underage patrons.

According to a release from the Department, the original compliance checks were conducted between May 28th and June 11th. Of the 59 businesses checked, 50 refused to sell  tobacco or other nicotine or vapor products to the underage buyers.

Thursday, the nine businesses who failed the original checks were visited again, pursuant to a cooperative agreement with the I-Pledge Program through the Alcoholic Beverages Division. Out of those nine businesses, two failed a second time.

The employee at HyVee Fast & Fresh on Stevens Drive was charged with Employee providing Tobacco products to anyone under 21, first offense; the employee at Almost Paradise on South Linn Street was charged with a second offense. Additionally, the violations may result in civil penalties against the tobacco licenses.