Trial of UI fraternity member charged with sexual assault delayed


A criminal trial that was supposed to start this week involving the alleged sexual assault of a woman by a University of Iowa fraternity member has been delayed.

The Gazette reports a related civil trial, brought by UI student Makena Solberg alleging members of the UI Phi Gamma Delta chapter in September 2020 drugged, assaulted and recorded her before disseminating the photos and video among fellow fraternity brothers — is scheduled for trial Nov. 5 in Tama County after a change in venue was granted last year.

Court documents seeking a continuance in the criminal trial of Carson Steffen, who’s charged with first degree Harassment, indicated that a resolution is possible, as parties are attempting to arrange mediation to resolve the civil case.

Police arrested Steffen in the fall of 2021, weeks after Solberg went public about Iowa City Police initially choosing not to pursue charges immediately after she notified them. Her social media posts about the incident sparked protests on the University of Iowa campus in September 2021.

Solberg filed suit against Steffen, former frat brother Jacob Meloan, and the fraternity for her assault. Last August, Meloan countersued, and that case was dismissed earlier this year.

The Gazette says the remaining suit between Solberg and Steffan is still being litigated, with both sides sparring over evidence. Steffen is scheduled for a case management conference on July 15th.