Chicago man with recent history of assaults arrested for same offense


A Chicago man who has a recent history of assaults has been arrested again after an incident at a liquor store earlier this week.

The incident reportedly took place at SouthSide Liquor on Keokuk Street Wednesday night.  27-year-old Eric Guise was reported by staff to police for striking a woman while in the store.  When he saw arriving officers, he attempted to run from the scene.  Guise was detained and handcuffed.

During his arrest, Guise allegedly resisted officer attempts to handcuff him and escort him to a squad car, away from the woman victim.  He reportedly fought with officer attempts to put him in the squad car, allegedly kneeing officers in the groin and spitting in their faces.

Guise also had signs of intoxication, including bloodshot watery eyes, and a strong odor of ingested alcohol. He reportedly refused a PBT.

Guise was charged with Interference with Official Acts, Public Intoxication, and Assault on Persons In Certain Occupations.  If convicted on all counts, he could be sentenced to a maximum 14 months in jail.

Last month, Guise allegedly punched a woman in the back of the head at the Town and Campus Apartments on Arthur Street and threatened to kill her if she told police. In April, he attempted to intervene while a friend was being arrested and charged with interference with official acts and marijuana possession when two bags were allegedly found on his person. The charges on those two incidents come up to a possible 27 months in jail if convicted.