Cedar Rapids man allegedly admitting to drinking up to five shots of liquor before getting behind the wheel


A Cedar Rapids man was charged with his third OWI over the holiday weekend after allegedly admitting to drinking four to five shots of Fireball whiskey before getting behind the wheel.

A reserve deputy reportedly observed 29-year-old Cody Burgess of Hampshire Drive NE parked along the roadway of Sandy Beach Road in Solon at around 11:15pm Monday night. As he approached, Burgess drove off.

The vehicle was observed weaving out of its lane and had a brake light out.  Upon contact, Burgess allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes, the odor of ingested alcohol, and admitted to drinking four or five shots of whiskey. Several opened containers of Fireball shooters were reportedly observed in the front driver area of Burgess’ vehicle.

After showing measurable impairment on field tests, a PBT showed his BAC over the legal limit. A subsequent Datamaster test showed it at .128 percent.

A check of Burgess’ driving record showed previous OWI convictions in 2013 and 2016. He was charged with third offense OWI, a Class D Felony punishable by a prison term of up to five years if convicted.