State Auditor says Ethics Board imposes penalties on politicians but doesn’t collect fines


State Auditor Rob Sand says a recent audit of the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board  showed no attempt to collect penalties imposed on politicians and their campaigns.

Iowa Capital Dispatch reports Sand’s audit on the Board was for the fiscal year ending June 2022. His office’s findings indicate the board, who imposed penalties ranging from $20 to $2000 per violation, sent notices to violators but no attempts were made to follow-up or enforce payment of the penalties. Additionally, the notices had no information on how to pay the penalty or a time frame in which the penalty should be paid.

The Auditor’s office found over $9000 in unpaid campaign penalties.

The Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board drafted a bill in the 2023 legislative session that would’ve legally required payment by a certain date, and consequences if payment wasn’t made. However, the bill was not approved by legislators to whom the law would apply. A similar bill failed to pass this session.

Sand’s office notes that the Board has updated its notices with new language requesting payment within 30 days, how payment can be made, and an automated process that sends out second and third notices for unpaid balances. There is still no legal requirement to pay the fines,  and the auditor’s office recommends that the Board continue to push for legislation to enforce the penalties.

The full article can be found at