Iowa City Police arrest real-life Goldilocks who allegedly found a stranger’s bed that was just right


A real-life Goldilocks has been arrested by Iowa City Police after she allegedly slept in a stranger’s bed that she found just right.

According to arrest records, a resident of a South Dubuque Street apartment arrived home just before 10:45 on the night of May 1st to find an unknown woman sleeping in her bed. The resident yelled at the woman to get out. The intruder fled the apartment with a pink suitcase she had apparently brought with her.

Arriving officers found the suspect, identified as 33-year-old Nichole Kidwell of Kansas City, the next day. Kidwell was still in possession of the pink suitcase. She allegedly told police she had climbed through a window of a residence where a woman yelled at her while she was sleeping. Kidwell reportedly also claimed a relative lived there, although she did not remember the specific address.

The resident corroborated that the window had been left open, and some damage was found to the screen. She also said she didn’t know and was not related to Kidwell.

Kidwell was booked into the Johnson County Jail at 5:00 Monday night and charged with 3rd Degree Burglary. If convicted, she faces a maximum of five years in prison.