DVIP establishes Sexual Assault Victim Services Advisory Council


The Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) has announced the development of the Sexual Assault Victim Services Advisory Council.

Last month the DVIP and the University of Iowa Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) reached an agreement to transition sexual assault services to the DVIP. DVIP officials say the formation of the advisory council is a part of that transition, which has a target completion date of September 30th.

The council will include sexual assault field experts from across Iowa, Executive Directors of state coalition memberships (ICADV and IowaCASA), RVAP Executive Directors (past), past and current RVAP staff, staff from the Women’s Resource Action Center (WRAC) and United Action for Youth (UAY), a rural-based RVAP services evaluator, a representative from a national organization called “The Resource Sharing Project”, and current DVIP administrative team members.

DVIP has contracted with Johnson County Supervisor V Fixmer-Oraiz to facilitate the sessions, which are scheduled to start in early June.

DVIP Executive Director Kristie Fortmann-Doser says the council will take a “big picture view” of the organization and its policies to make sure the DVIP is appropriately responsive to sexual assault services.

To learn more about DVIP, visit www.dvipiowa.org.