Rochester Avenue construction paused after private utilities found in work area


Work on Iowa City’s Rochester Avenue Reconstruction Project has been put on hold.

City officials say work has temporarily been halted due to the discovery of private utilities in the work area. The utility companies have been notified, and both city staff and the contractor have been working to resolve the issue.

When construction resumes, the contractor is scheduled to begin installing water infrastructure such as a water main and fire hydrants. New traffic signals and paving will be installed near the end of the current stage prior to moving construction to the east side of the intersection. Sidewalks and seeding will also be installed toward the end of the stage.

Areas that need additional grading, seeding, or otherwise repaired will be required to be completed prior to the end of the project.

The intersection of First Avenue and Rochester Avenue remains open and is expected to remain open during the duration of the project, which should still be completed this fall.

Learn more about the Rochester Reconstruction project here.

Rochester Stage 4 detour