Transient accused of groping woman’s breasts at Iowa City Kum & Go


Allegedly groping a woman’s breasts at an Iowa City convenience store has led to the arrest of a local transient.

35-year-old Joseph Lonier reportedly entered the East Burlington Street Kum & Go just after 5:15 Tuesday night and threw something behind the counter. When a woman asked him to pick it up, Lonier allegedly grabbed her from behind. The woman shrugged him off and told him, “no”. Police say Lonier then grabbed her breasts.

Arriving police say Lonier showed obvious signs of intoxication, admitted to being drunk, and provided a breath alcohol level of .231%.

Lonier is charged with Assault and Public Intoxication. If convicted on both counts, he faces a maximum of 60 days in jail.

A no-contact order has been put in place, and trial is set for July 9th.