Johnson County approves wording of proposed $30 million conservation bond 


The Johnson County Board of Supervisors has approved the language for a $30 million conservation bond issue that could go before the voters this fall.

The board approved the wording at Wednesday morning’s work session. Former Supervisor Pat Heiden…who is helping spearhead the effort as part of a group called Our Land Our Water Our Future…called the proposal a “generational investment” that would benefit Johnson County residents for decades to come.

The bond would spread the $30 million out over 20 years, and the money could be used to purchase and develop land for conservation efforts, including public parks, trails, forests, waterways and other natural areas. Supporters say it would continue the work made possible by a similar 2008 bond issue.

Supervisor Rod Sullvan told KCJJ Wednesday night that the proposal could be ready for approval from the board as early as the May 23rd supervisors’ meeting, pending review from the county’s lawyers. If the board gives its blessing, the bond would be on the November 5th ballot and require a 60% supermajority to pass.