Suspect in 2023 Clock Tower Ramp shooting sentenced


An Iowa City man who pleaded guilty in the 2023 Clock Tower Ramp shooting has been sentenced.

23-year-old Alexander Voudhivong of Pepper Drive reportedly shot a man multiple times in the Clock Tower Parking Ramp on Iowa Avenue on the night of May 13th. Police say he fled the area, changing clothes nearby in an attempt to disguise himself before leaving the area. The firearm was later recovered at the scene.

Investigators say 25-year-old Narada Poole Jr. of West Des Moines was the owner of the gun his brother, 23-year-old Marquel Poole, then transferred to Voudhivong.

Voudhivong faced up to 33 years in prison before the plea deal was reached; he was sentenced to 12 years and will not be eligible for parole for at least five years.

Marquel Poole has also reached a plea deal and will be sentenced July 8th.  Narada Poole Jr. has another case management conference scheduled for June 3rd, followed by a pre-trial conference on June 14th and trial set to begin June 18th.