Students attending Hills Elementary moving to Alexander Elementary this fall


Students attending Hills Elementary School will transition to Alexander Elementary this fall.

That’s according to a plan by the Iowa City Community School District, who is closing Hills Elementary in a cost-saving measure.

The Daily Iowan reports ICCSD Superintendent Matt Degner said all teachers and staff members from Hills will be relocated within the district, and the closure will not cost anyone their jobs. Transportation will also be provided to all students from Hills so they can get to Alexander. The schools are a 12-minute drive from each other.

A committee consisting of staff from both schools will be meeting for the first time this Monday to make sure questions from students and parents are addressed. The principals of the two schools are working together to arrange a field trip for Hills students to Alexander before the school year ends to familiarize themselves with their soon-to-be new surroundings. Events are also planned over the summer to let students from both schools get to know each other before the fall.