Iowa City woman accused of stealing over $400 in tequila from Hy-Vee

Police say a suspect stole over $400 in tequila from an Iowa City Hy-Vee.
According to Iowa City Police, 44-year-old Chadra Gray of the Town & Campus Apartments on Arthur Street entered the Waterfront Hy-Vee just after 10:00 Wednesday morning, loaded up a cart with eight bottles of tequila, then pushed the cart out of the store past all points of sale without paying. When Hy-Vee staff stopped Gray in the parking lot, she reportedly fled the area and left the tequila behind.
Police found Gray later that day. She allegedly told them she stole the tequila with the intent of selling it later. The total value of the tequila was $427.27.
Gray is charged with 4th Degree Theft. If convicted, she faces a maximum of one year in jail.