Iowa City Bird Club hosts Saturday morning hike and waterfowl viewing at Lake Macbride


The Iowa City Bird Club is hosting a field trip to Lake Macbride Saturday morning to view waterfowl and other early spring migrants.

Target species include dabbling and diving ducks, mergansers, grebes, geese, gulls, Common Loon, American White Pelican, Double-crested Cormorant, Kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warbler and Eurasian-collared Dove.

The group will walk the lake’s north and south arms to explore various hot spots. Expect some light hiking on paved, limestone and grassy trails. Bring a spotting scope if available.
Those interested in  joining the free field trip should meet at the Solon Recreation and Nature Area, 700 W Sovers Street near Solon, at the far west end of the parking lot near the restrooms and splash pad, at 8 a.m. Carpooling is encouraged. The hike should conclude by noon.

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