Iowa City man accused of biting another man in the lip, detaching a “chunk” of skin from his face


Allegedly biting another man’s lip, causing a “chunk” of skin to detach from his face, has led to the arrest of an Iowa City resident.

Iowa City Police were called to a reported assault at 501 Southgate Avenue just after 9:30 on the night of March 6th. An investigation determined that 43-year-old Larry Johnson of Taylor Drive violated an active trespass warning for the facility dating back to last August by giving the person at the front desk a fake name. He then reportedly went up to the alleged victim’s apartment door, leaned on it while holding the handle down, and waited for the resident to open it. Once the man opened the door, Johnson allegedly forced his way inside and the two fought while the door closed behind them. At one point during the scuffle, Johnson reportedly bit the other man in the lip, causing what was described as a “large chunk of skin” to be detached from the person’s face. The alleged victim reported biting Johnson back before Johnson fled from the building.  The wound required stitches at a local hospital.

Johnson is charged with 1st Degree Burglary and Trespass Causing Injury. If convicted on both charges, he faces a maximum of 26 years in prison.