ICPD uses previously unspent funds to upgrade vehicle fleet


Primarily using carryover funds from the previous fiscal year, the Iowa City Police Department has purchased $350,000 worth of vehicles.

The Daily Iowan reports that the purchase, as well as other smaller equipment purchases and a $100,000 camera project in the Pedestrian Mall , made up the nearly $700,000 difference between the fiscal 2024 original budget and its revised budget.

City Manager Geoff Fruin told the DI that nearly three-quarters of the money for those purchases was budgeted in the prior fiscal year but not spent due to supply chain shortages and delays.

The city is currently working on its budget for the 2025 fiscal year that starts July first.

Police Chief Justin Liston is hoping to hire an additional three officers to get the department to its maximum allowed capacity of 85 sworn officers. The department is also hoping to get funds to hire a civilian officer to work as a data or crime analyst, thus freeing up a sworn officer to do more traditional police work.

Chief Liston has said being understaffed caused his current officers to work long hours and take on overtime. He believes being fully staffed would keep costs down in the long run.