Former Iowa City firefighter wins settlement in sex discrimination suit


A former Iowa City firefighter agreed to a settlement that will pay $925,000 after she sued the city on claims of sexism, racism and homophobia in the workplace.

The Daily Iowan reports lawyers for 41- year-old Sadie McDowell filed a 19-page suit in 2022, listing allegations including coworkers commenting on female employees’ appearance and dating history and making homophobic remarks. The suit also alleged that McDowell was subjected to unwanted and  nonconsensual kissing and groping by another firefighter, and worked with a captain who asked her to drive them around the downtown loop when students were out partying so male firefighters could “ogle young women” and comment on their appearance.

The incidents reportedly caused McDowell to develop depression and stress.

The City Council approved a settlement agreement this week during their meeting. McDowell attended the meeting and called on the council to support a more equitable culture in the city’s Fire Department.

Of the $925,000 settlement, over $516,000 will be paid directly to McDowell, $37,500 to the Municipal Fire and Police Retirement System, and the rest to her lawyers.