Woman accused of setting ex boyfriend apt on fire charged with violating no contact order


A Cedar Rapids woman who has been charged with arson in connection with a fire at her ex-boyfriend’s apartment is now accused of violating the subsequent no contact order.

20-year-old Victoria Lee of Foxborough Terrace NE was arrested December 26th for allegedly starting her ex-boyfriend’s apartment on fire.

On January 19th just before 3pm, the protected party received a phone call that he knew was Lee’s grandmother’s number. The ex-boyfriend believed that it was Lee’s sister on the line, and he hung up immediately.  Another call immediately came in from the same number and was declined.  That was reportedly followed up with multiple text messages and a third call.  The texts demanded that Lee’s ex-boyfriend return clothes and money to her that she claimed were left behind at his apartment.

He responded with a text saying that the clothes were destroyed in the fire she started.  He was then told that Lee would call the police on him if he did not return the property. The arrest report notes that Lee’s clothes were on the couch that she set on fire at the man’s apartment, and were destroyed by fire, smoke and water.

Lee acknowledged that she was the one sending the texts and reportedly involved a third party to make the calls.

A warrant was issued for her arrest, and she was booked at the Johnson County Jail Thursday evening. She’s been charged with violation of the no-contact order, and as a result had her pre-trial release revoked. If convicted on the Arson charge, Lee could be sentenced to up to 25 years in prison.

A case management conference is scheduled for February 23rd and jury trial May 7th.