Burlington man accused of threatening woman over deceased grandmother’s property


A Burlington man was taken into custody last week after threatening a woman earlier in the month.

The incident reportedly took place at around 5pm January 6th.  According to the victim, she was helping to clean out her deceased grandmother’s Tiffin home and was confronted by 35-year-old Brandon Gutierrez. He allegedly was upset that they were removing property and told the woman that if anything was missing he would kill her and her father.

The statements were reportedly heard and verified by several witnesses.

A warrant was issued for Gutierrez’ arrest; he was taken into custody at the Johnson County Jail Thursday afternoon. He was charged with 1st degree Harassment, an aggravated misdemeanor punishable by a jail term of up to two years if convicted.

Gutierrez was released the next morning. Judge Jason Burns issued a no-contact order between the parties.