Scammers are pretending to be Muscatine County Sheriff’s deputies


The Muscatine County Sheriff’s Office is warning the public about a scam where a caller pretends to be a member of their staff.

Residents report receiving phone calls in recent days where the caller ID shows the number for the Muscatine County Sheriff’s Office. Upon answering, the caller initially identified himself as a “Sergeant McCleary” from the sheriff’s office and said that the subject failed to appear for some sort of court issue. The caller then stated options for payment.

More recent calls claim to be from a “Muscatine County Jail Lieutenant Nick Doy”. While there is a Lt. Doy on staff, the calls are not from him or any other member of the Muscatine County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone receiving such a call should not provide any information or agree to any payment.

Any such calls should also be reported to law enforcement.