UIHC seeing sharp rise in frostbite cases


With below-zero temperatures returning to the area, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics is reporting a sharp rise in frostbite cases.

UIHC officials say more than a dozen patients are receiving inpatient treatment for frostbite at the UIHC Burn Treatment Center. Over the course of the last week, the center has seen more than 40 calls to its clinic for frostbite.

The center’s director says this year they’re seeing more geriatric patients and stranded motorists. Health care officials say it’s important to remember to be prepared as subzero temperatures continue this weekend.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Dress in layers and minimize exposure.
  • If driving, make sure the vehicle has a full tank of gas and keep extra warm clothes on hand. Use caution if stranded in your vehicle, it may be better to stay in your car as you wait for assistance.
  • Temperature, dampness, and the duration of exposure are all factors that can contribute to frostbite. Consuming alcohol or using recreational drugs may worsen the injury.
  • Treatment for frostbite includes rapid rewarming of the affected area in warm–not hot–water. The water should be only slightly warmer than body temperature–about 102-110 degrees F–and the area should be warmed only when it can be kept warm afterward. More damage will result if an area is warmed and then chilled again.
  • The injured area should be elevated and protected.
  • Be sure to seek medical attention for any frost-bitten extremity. Time is of the essence. The risk of amputation is drastically reduced with immediate treatment.