New Iowa Poll shows Trump widening lead ahead of January caucus


The latest Des Moines Register, NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows former president Donald Trump widening his lead over his competitors.

The Register reports 51% of likely Republican caucus-goers pick Trump as their first choice for president, up from 43% in an October Iowa Poll.

Second place is still close, although not as close as last month’s poll; Florida Governor Ron DeSantis now is at 19 percent, while former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley remained steady at 16 percent.

Bringing up the rear are entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 5 percent; former New Jersey governor Chris Christie is at 4 percent, but has not campaigned in Iowa. Ramaswamy says he will have visited all 99 counties in Iowa twice by Caucus time.

Trump is back in Iowa this week; he will speak at the Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel & Conference Center Wednesday at 6pm. Tickets are available on his website.