Texas man suspected of Iowa City hit and run arrested on I80 near Oxford


A Texas man was taken into custody after allegedly being involved in a hit-and-run accident  while under the influence.

A Johnson County sheriff’s deputy saw a red truck without its lights on sitting on the shoulder of westbound Interstate 80 just east of the Johnson/Iowa county line  just before 5am Sunday. Initially, it seemed as if the truck was unoccupied, but further investigation reportedly found 22-year-old Casen Burns of Benbrook Texas reclined in the driver’s seat. The hood of the truck was still warm.

Burns didn’t respond to the officer at first, and appeared to be injured due to blood on his face. He was treated by medical personnel on scene but refused to go to a hospital for further treatment.

According to the deputy, Burns the odor of ingested alcohol and bar bands on his wrist. He had bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech, and had unsteady balance as he exited his truck.  After refusing a PBT, a Datamaster showed Burns’ BAC at .160 percent.

The vehicle was also allegedly a suspect vehicle in a hit-and-run that had occurred recently in Iowa City.

Burns was charged with first offense OWI, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail term of up to one year if convicted.