Muscatine County LGBTQIA+ Equality Coalition Launches New Collaboration

Edited release

With Wednesday being National Coming Out Day, the Muscatine County LGBTQIA+ Coalition talked about their new organization in a press release.

The Coalition was created to bring together organizations working toward a shared vision of equality for people who identify across the spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities. Their mission  is to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ people by uniting allied people, organizations, and businesses, and advocating for increased awareness and understanding of issues facing LGBTQIA+ people in Muscatine County.

Coalition Member Organizations Include: Progress Muscatine, Faith United Church of Christ, Muscatine High School Pride Club, and Stonewall Muscatine.

Individuals, organizations and businesses interested in becoming coalition members or learning more about the Muscatine County LGBTQIA+ Equality Coalition can email