Coralville man faces several charges after overnight  traffic stop


A Coralville man faces a number of charges after being stopped for failing to activate his headlights.

Officers stopped Jacky Mabikulu of 10th Street at around 2:30am Saturday on Dubuque Street just south of Clinton Street for driving without headlights on and failing to signal his turn.  Upon contact, he reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, and had the odor of ingested alcohol.  After showing impairment on field testing and failing a PBT, a Datamaster test was administered, with Mabikulu’s BAC measured at .102 percent.

The vehicle reportedly had the odor of marijuana, and officers conducting a probable cause search allegedly located a loaded Taurus pistol in between the driver’s seat and center console.  A knife with a six inch fixed blade was also located in the same place. Marijuana and methamphetamine were also reportedly discovered in Mabikulu’s pockets.

Mabikulu allegedly admitted all the items were his when interviewed after being given his Miranda rights.

He faces up to 11 years in prison if convicted on all charges, which include OWI first offense, Dominion or Control of a Firearm by a Felon, Person Ineligible to Carry Weapons, Possession of Dangerous Weapons while Intoxicated, 2nd offense Controlled Substance violation, and 2nd offense Marijuana Possession.  A check of Mabikulu’s driving status showed it as suspended for nonpayment  of fines.