UI details IMU renovation plans


The University of Iowa has released details about planned renovations at the Iowa Memorial Union.

The plans include three key features. First, a new Student Well-Being Center dedicated to student services and care. The footprint of the current Iowa House Hotel will be remodeled to house services such as Student Health, University Counseling Service, and other wellness and support programs. Also included will be resources for students experiencing urgent concerns. Flexible spaces for meetings, study, meditation, relaxation, art, and music will be included throughout the building.

The second feature is a new building layout that will connect Hubbard Commons to the River Room and River Terrace. By creating a public plaza overlooking the Iowa River on the west side of the building—adjacent to IMU food services—planners say they envision creating a favorite hangout location for students. The update will allow students to have more direct connection to the spaces along the river, natural light, and nature elements within and outside the building.

Finally, the renovations will create a new IMU “front porch”. The parking lot between the current south entrance and Hubbard Park will be removed, and a new veranda will wrap the south and east sides of the building, creating a “front porch” for relaxation, study, and socializing. School officials say the new space will be more inviting and pedestrian friendly and will provide a direct connection between the IMU and Hubbard Park.

The current estimate for renovations, which will be completed in two phases, is $75 million. Work is expected to begin in fall 2024 and will be funded primarily through a new student fee of $100 to $120 per semester that was proposed and supported by Undergraduate Student Government and Graduate and Professional Student Government. The IMU will remain open while the work is being completed.