Original site of Emma Goldman Clinic considered for historic landmark status


The Iowa City City Council is considering giving the original Emma Goldman Clinic location historic landmark status.

The clinic’s original location of 715 N. Dodge Street is now a private residence. Its founding over 50 years ago was the subject of multiple protests, culminating in a firebombing in the 70’s.

The Iowa City Historic Preservation Committee says the original location qualifies as a historic landmark by definition, which says buildings must be individually significant for architectural or cultural reasons.  Once designated as a historic landmark, most buildings are then placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The current homeowners support the plan.

The Daily Iowan reports Iowa City Planner Anne Russett said at a planning and zoning commission meeting August 16 that the building already exists in a historic district and that the designation would highlight the building’s history, especially relating to the mid-‘70s health care movement of women.

The City Council unanimously approved a motion last week to set a public hearing to further discuss the designation.  The hearing will take place September 19th.