Coralville teen arrested after caught engaging in sex act with 13 year old girl


A Coralville teen faces felony charges after allegedly getting caught engaging in a sex act with a 13 year old girl in Iowa City.

A police officer was conducting surveillance on Dover Street Thursday afternoon when a Honda parked on the street in front of him. It was determined that the vehicle wasn’t involved in the surveillance operation.

No one left the vehicle, as it remained parked for about five minutes when a girl that appeared to be 12 to 13 years old came walking over and got inside.  The two reportedly started kissing, then the driver, who appeared to be between 16-18 years old, got into the back seat after about five minutes.

The girl then allegedly climbed into the back seat and reportedly began performing a sex act on the teen, prompting the officer to make contact with the occupants based on the perceived young age of the female.  The boy quickly exited the vehicle with his pants unzipped, and the girl allegedly admitted performing the sex act. She reportedly told the boy she was only 13 years old.  The boy was determined to be 17 years old, and allegedly corroborated the girl’s narrative.

The boy was arrested and charged with 2nd degree Sexual Abuse. If tried as an adult, he could be sentenced to up to 25 years in prison.