Cedar Rapids man arrested for OWI after allegedly harassing spouse while in middle of divorce


A Cedar Rapids man was taken into custody Sunday night after allegedly calling, texting, and attempting to enter his wife’s residence.

The woman, who is in the middle of a divorce from 37-year-old Adam Feldmann of Deerwood Street Southwest, told police that he called her 17 times, texted her 28 times, and called their daughter 7 times between 6:30 and 7:50pm. Feldmann also came to the woman’s Coralville residence and attempted multiple times to enter and shouted as he banged on the door.

The reporting party told police they believed Feldmann, who had left the scene, was likely driving while intoxicated.  A description of the vehicle was broadcast, and Feldmann was stopped near the intersection of Forevergreen Road and Sara Court.  He was reportedly observed with bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech and the odor of ingested alcohol.  Feldmann allegedly admitted to drinking earlier in the day.

After showing measurable impairment on field tests, a PBT showed his BAC over the legal limit to drive. A subsequent Datamaster test gave a reading of .217 percent.

Feldmann was taken into custody and charged with his second OWI and 3rd degree Harassment. If convicted on both counts, he could be sentenced to up to 25 months in jail.  A no-contact order was requested between the parties.