Iowa City man accused of vandalizing restaurant patio twice in one night


An Iowa City man faces charges that he vandalized a downtown restaurant patio twice in one night.

Iowa City Police say just after 12:15 a.m. on July 2nd, 34-year-old Terrill English was at ReUnion Brewery on the Ped Mall when the restaurant’s staff observed him nearly getting into multiple fights. When an employee shined a flashlight to try to get English to stop, he reportedly turned his attention to the staffer and tried to assault them. Police say he then picked up a table on the outdoor patio and dropped it, causing the base to break. The estimated cost of replacement is $100.

At approximately 3:15 that same morning, English was reportedly seen walking near the same patio area. Police say he leaned over the west side of the ReUnion patio fencing and shoved a table over onto its side, causing the top to crack. The table top replacement is an estimated $750.

Both incidents were reportedly captured on security video.

English is charged with 3rd Degree Criminal Mischief and 5th Degree Criminal Mischief. If convicted on both charges, he faces a maximum of 25 months in jail.